Sunday, July 11, 2021

Answer to Job / Carl Jung - overview and short summary

Answer to Job (in German Antwort auf Hiob ) is a 1952 work by the Swiss psychiatrist and psychologist Carl Gustav Jung that addresses the moral, mythological and psychological implicationsof the Book of Job.

Carl Jung considers the Book of Job a milestone in the development of the "divine drama", contemplating for the first time the criticism of God (Gotteskritik). 

The main goal in his Response to Job focuses on exposing the divine image as it is psychologically experienced by modern man, that is, to value the "soul truths" of the Holy Scriptures since they respond to "statements of the soul" that transcend the personal psychology targeting the archetypes of the collective unconscious .

The intention is thus to calibrate a subjective reaction to the story of Job that explains that unconscious restlessness that has been breaking into the dreams, visions and revelations of humanity since the beginning of time and that has not been completely blocked by the representation of God. like Summum bonum that established and popularized the New Testament.