Tuesday, December 13, 2022

Best books to start reading Freud - reading list and guide

Those interested in exploring the theories of Sigmund Freud, the founder of psychoanalysis, often wonder where to start. Freud's work was a continual process, posing the question of whether to begin reading his early texts for foundational context or his later works for a more mature understanding.

Freud Reading List

"The Interpretation of Dreams" is one of Freud's most significant works. It delves into the concept that dreams are the "royal road to the unconscious", offering insight into a person's psychological conflicts and desires. As one of his early works, it's an excellent starting point for reading Freud.

"The Ego and the Id" introduces Freud's concept of the ego, the id, and the superego, and discusses how these three elements of the psyche interact and influence behavior. It's the best place to familiarize yourself with Freud's structural theory of the psyche.

"Civilization and Its Discontents" examines how society and culture can conflict with our individual desires and happiness. Freud also discusses the role of repression in molding our personalities and behavior. This work bridges the gap between psychoanalysis of the individual and society as a whole.

"Totem and Taboo" is where Freud explores the origins of religion and society. He uses the totem concept, a sacred object or symbol, to investigate the relationship between early humans and their social and cultural institutions. This book takes you back to the roots of humanity.

"The Psychopathology of Everyday Life" examines how seemingly trivial events and errors, like forgetting a name or misplacing an object, may reveal unconscious desires and conflicts.

Understanding Freud

Regardless of which book you choose to start with, reading Freud can be a challenging but rewarding experience. To help those wanting to get into Freud and psychoanalysis we have a page with articles, summaries and explainers about Freud. You can also check out Freud's famous patients: best known case studies.