In his 1964 "One-Dimensional
Man: Studies in the Ideology of Advanced Industrial Society" Neo-Marxist philosopher Herbert Marcuse (of the Frankfurt School) describes the state of society under capitalism. Marcuse introduces the
concept of the "one dimensional man" as someone who is subjected to a
new kind of totalitarianism in the form of consumerist and technological
capitalism. Rationalism for Marcuse is a form of oppression which denies the possibility
of change.
Marxism traditionally relied on discontent which arises
from internal conflict as the motor for historical change. The problem with 20th century
capitalism, according to Marcuse, is that conflicts concealed my mass consumer
society in a manner which precludes change. We are a type of "blissful
slaves", willingly obeying a system which keep us distractedly entertained
and numbingly sated. A man under capitalism is "one dimensional"
since he bears no trace of the conflicts which make him multi-dimensional and
capable of change. This is why Marcuse believe that people under Liberal
Western capitalism are no freer than people under totalitarian role, their oppression
is just transparent. Capitalism is "enslaving us softly", not by mean
of violent oppression but rather through comfortable temptation.
For Marcuse the one dimensional man is closely related to
both consumerism and mass media that together serve as an ideological apparatus
which reproduces itself through its subjects. This apparatus promotes
conformity and is aimed at preventing resistance.