One of the
most basic concepts of Karl Marx's theory is the of "dialectical
materialism". Marx thought of the dialectical nature of society and
especially history is built on the tradition of G.W.F. Hegel which viewed
history as a process of thesis, antithesis and synthesis, with each force in
history creating an opposite one, driving society forward. But while Hegel was
concerned with dialectical idealism, one of spirit, ideas and beliefs, Marx was
more concerned with the material-economic side of social reality.
developed his theory of dialectical materialism in the elaborate manner in
"The Capital", but his views on the contradiction that propel society
forward can be found already in his renown Communist Manifesto (and in The German Ideology). Marx bases the study of society on the study of inner
contradictions. Contradictions within society are what, according to Marx the
view of dialectical materialism, drive society forward. While Hegel thought the
these contradictions are ideal, meaning that they are contradictions between different
views and forms of thought, Marx held that they are in fact contradictions with
material substance (hence "dialectical materialism").
According to
Marx history can be described as an ongoing conflict between classes over the
means of production. Nowadays, under the capitalist mode of production the main
contradiction is between the needs of capitalists to profit and the needs of the
worker to survive by retaining some of the profit. This conflict according to
Marx originates from economic circumstances but is manifested in the realm of ideology, a product of the relations of production which serves to grant
justification to the existing state. But under the approach of dialectical
materialism, the class conflict will undoubtedly bring about change when the
social structure can no longer sustain the burden. Dialectical materialism drives
social change through the reciprocal relations between contradicting social
factors, factors which have to do first and foremost with material considerations
of economy and class, with ideology is a product of these considerations.
see also: Cultural Materisalism
see also: Cultural Materisalism
Walter Benjamin on the concept of history
Suggested reading:
Suggested reading: